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第86章 提亚拉的青春烦恼(1 / 1)



“她不愿意跟我说,劳烦你多花时间了。你今晚可以留到 9点,她妈妈也这个时间点回来。我一会要给客户做策划案。你把猫咪放客厅就行、”钱多多说道。电话就放在他碗边。6点 30,露娜成为第一个吃饱晚饭的成员,她走到提亚拉身旁,16岁的小姑娘两眼低头看桌面,露娜轻拍她的肩头道,“书房见,晚点和我聊聊你咋了。”

6 点 40,1003发来一条信息,“11点见,我想和你详细聊聊学生的事,你教过夜骐幼驹不是吗?我为你准备了一个惊喜。月色下的你很好看。”露娜连忙回复,“恰好,我们谈一下,纽崔·露丝。第一名给你留有印象深刻的学生。”








“ok , here we go. just as me when you miss the ponit.”said by luna,

‘I am gonna talk a story, the core of the story can be desecribe as a sailor who was trapped in the songs. I study thes sort of mythology since i was in colleague.”Luna just proclaimed the turth。

“you want to make an excample to proof somthing。”Tiara asked.“siren always stay safe in their ocean. As time go by, they make improvment on their vocie. Therefore, siren’s songs generally turn to their ultimat+-e weapon.”

“the parsion between vocie and weapon let me recall somthing which embedd in my mind. I can not even remember. Maybe we did, maybe we didin’t.Memeory is such a fico thing, You never know when you forget something improtant. Like i had read through whole series of Eva Wisdom.”

“kinda interesting for you ,how you gonna stop the evil siren from taking away this salior, depend on any tools?”Tiara asked , he flip over the biology textbook.

“two piece of wax、blindfold,, and some ropes. Pretened i was the observer to point out the truth .here’s another advice thata might make you feel upset: Try to make friend with her to build some emotional bonding. Wait till her attention fully drop down. Next step, you can build up a normal relationship to this siren with a pure heart, you are not came here to destroy any civilization. Oh, I can make up a motivation to explain why the caption with his seamen decide to equipped a ship for this voyage. And how e the sailor and the siren meet coincidencly. The sailor get out of the boat, force his friends to take a long plank as the bridge connect to the Siren.”

“Yeah she was sitting on a rock. In that way, the sailor ask the Siren to teach him how to sing. Actually , the sail setted a trap to shut siren’s mouth forever. The sailor pretended to be a awful student who hardly can follow the teachng schedule which Siren make up personally. As the result of bad teaching method, The Siren gradully lose patient on the sailor. Cause there are no indicatons that the slair learned basic skill well. A story always end up with a suprise. The siren don’t wanna sing to those human for interest . they don’t dersve her voice.”Luna stoped her words to observe some responce from Tiara.

“just go head, i am concentrating. Siren and the sliar must knowe each other before they met. Maybe the Siren has an ability to collect the information thousands of miles apart through snoic way. In thay way, she already heard of this voyage, they heard what kind of sailor may show up on the boarding list. Even they know each other so well that they can describe each other’s facial feature.”Tiara saw Luna frowned, eyeblows. are rolling


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